Getting the Most Out of Your Final Days of Bar Prep

Chances are you’re reading this post because you’ve been searching the internet for last minute study tips for the bar exam. There are still things you don’t know, MBE questions you’re still missing, and your timing on the MPT is still a little off. If you don’t know it by now, you’re not going to and that is OK. Your best study strategy is to stop trying to do more and instead reinforce what you already know: reviewing outlines, issue-spotting a few essays, reading through (short) MBE question sets.

Instead of scrolling through Reddit looking for tricks on how to magically know every single legal concept, take a look at the “I feel like I don’t know anything,” and “I’m going to fail for sure” posts, especially the comments, because you’ll see a mix of “I feel the same way!” and “you’ve got this!” No one feels ready but everyone IS ready.

The words we say to ourselves matter. Would you tell a friend or classmate to panic, to push themselves even harder, or that a less-than-ideal outcome on an MEE or MBE question set is a sure sign they will fail? Of course not. So, don’t say it to yourself. Any time you find yourself starting a negative narrative, change the conversation to “I can do this because…

Right now you want to stay in control and trust your process. Take a minute to consider how much you’ve learned the past two months. Even if you can’t remember an exact rule or a question seems confusing, you have a huge body of knowledge ready at the recall and it will be enough come exam time. You’ll make connections to reason your way through.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on


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